Esther M. Zimmer Lederberg
A Negress Courts Cestus, A Man of a Different Colour (Aethiopissa): Herbert

What if my face be black? O Cestus, hear!
Such colour Night brings, which yet Love holds dear.
You see a Trav'ller has a sunburnt face;
And I, who pine for thee, a long rad trace.
If earth be black, who shall despise the ground?
Shut now your eyes, and, lo, all black is found;
Or ope, a shadow-casting form you see;
This be my loving post to fill for thee.
Seeing my face is smoke, what fire has burn'd
Within my silent bosom, by thee spurn'd!
Hard-hearted man, dost still my love refuse?
Lo, Grief's prophetic hue my cheek imbues!


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